And here's a piece in the LARB, about Postcards, Salgado, Stephen H Willard, John Divola, Jonathan Meades, and more.
Here's my review of Terry Eagleton's Across The Pond in the Los Angeles Review of Books.
Click here to read it.
Here's my review of Oliver Sacks' "Hallucinations" from the SF Chronicle.
Click here to read the review.
Here's a piece in Litro magazine about walking in Amboy, in the Mojave Desert.
Click here to read about Amboy.
This just in: London, Eine literarische Einladung, (London, a literary invitation) published by Verlag Klaus Wagenbach.
It's an anthology of writing about London, and there I am between the covers with Virginia Woolf, Doris Lessing and Alan
Bennett. Hubba hubba, as they say.

Here's my review of Alain de Botton's Religion for Atheists, from the SF Chronicle.

Click here to read the review.
Here's my review of Joan Didion's Blue Nights, from the SF Chronicle.

Click here to read the review.
Here's the French edition of my novel "Footsucker", Gallicized as "Le Fetichiste," although if you google that French
title you'll come up with all kinds of stuff, most of it a good deal less literary than my novel.

Click here to go to the publisher's website.
My review of Jonathan Raban's "Driving Home" from the SF Chronicle.

Click here to read the review.
Here I am writing about Jeremy Prynne for the LARB.

Click here to read the piece.
Here I am writing about Kawabata Makoto, Acid Mothers Temple, and ecstasy (the state, not the drug)

Click here to go to the article.
Here I am in the Los Angeles Review of Books, writing about Scale, Will Self, and much else besides.

Click here to read the article.
Here's an interview with Ricky Jay, to coincide with publication of his book "Celebrations of Curious Characters"

Click here to read the interview.
Here I am on the Gourmet Live website, writing about the pleasures, and otherwise, of eating alone.

Click here to read the article.
Here's my review of "The Tragedy of Arthur" by Arthur Phillips, from the SF Chronicle.

Click here to read the review.
And here I am writing about Buster Keaton for the new Los Angeles Review of Books.

Click here to read about Buster.
Yeah, sometimes I stand next to somewhat famous people and get photographed by Terry Richardson. I confess, this is
an uneasy pleasure.

Here's my review of TC Boyle's "When the Killing's Done" which the rest of the reviewers seem to have found "dazzling"
whereas I thought it was a pile of old pants.

Click here to read the review.
An essay from the New York Times about the extent to which we are or aren't what we read.

Click here to read the essay.
Here's an extract from a piece about "discovering" Charles Bukowski, from Slake magazine.

Click here to read the piece.
Here's an article about drinking and writing that I did for the New York Times Book Review.

Click here to read the article.
Here's an article on Dennis Hopper, written for the Phillips de Pury catalogue/magazine.

The website is very fancy, and I find it a bit of a handful, but I hope you can read the article here.
Here's my review of Christopher Hitchens' memoir Hitch-22, from the SF Chronicle.

Read it here.
Here's an essay in the New York Times Book Review about the joys of encyclopedias, and the slipperiness of facts
Read it here
Here's my review of Ian McEwan's Solar, from the San Francisco Chronicle.

Read it here.
Here's my appreciation of David Carradine's autobiography, from Tin House

Read it here:
Here's my review of Will Self's Liver, from the New York Times.

Read it here:
Here's my review of David Byrne's "Bicycle Diaries" from the New York Times Book Review.

Read it here
Here's my review, from in The SF Chronicle of Jonathan Safran Foer's "Eating Animals" .

Read it here
The Lost Art of Walking is now out in paperback. Fits so easy into a Christmas stocking.

Here I am on the Penguin website.
Buy it at Amazon

Here's a link to New York Magazine - a feature on "flings" in New York

This issue of THE BELIEVER has a correspondence about walking between me and Will Self.
The Believer website